Sunday, November 11, 2012

Born and raised in Bakersfield, California, I was the second born and the only girl of five kids. For as long as I can remember and despite how active I was, I have always struggled with my weight. Along with the weight problem, I also struggled with self-confidence.

Growing up in a household of mostly men, I was a complete tomboy. It wasn’t until high school when my appearance would really start to bother me. It was here when my self esteem was its lowest. I felt ugly, fat, and unworthy. I remember going to school every day dressed pretty much the same way as the day before: long hair always pulled back into a ponytail, no make-up, bad acne, school t-shirts, and jeans. Because I felt this way, I would surround myself around people who carried themselves well to fill the void I was feeling both physically and emotionally. These were people I perceived to be attractive and who had the lifestyle I thought I wanted.
It wasn’t until the beginning of my college education that I would start to gain some self confidence. The summer of 2008, shortly after graduating high school and enrolling into college my aunt, Diane, offered me to live with her and her family.
Living with her and maturing into a young adult, my confidence and self esteem started to rise. She is a very confident person who is always following the latest trends and actually takes the time and effort into looking her best.
Living with her, she slowly eased into teaching me how to do my hair, make-up, and even how to dress in a more flattering way. This would take my self esteem to the highest it would be in years.
After about two years of slowly gaining self esteem and confidence, I knew that I was still lacking happiness. Around this time, I was starting to become unmotivated with life, my education, and I was missing a good sense of direction. I was unhappy with where I was and didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life anymore. I needed guidance in many aspects of my life.
As December, 2010 was coming to an end, I remember sitting at a New Year’s party talking to my cousin, Mona. We were talking about New Year’s Resolutions when she turned to me and asked what my resolution was. I looked at her and said, “I just want to live a happier and healthier lifestyle. “ For me, this resolution meant a variety of different things: from simply being a better daughter, to going to church more often, to drinking more water, to eating more fruit, anything that would make me a better person at the end of the day, not only for others, but for myself.
As part of that resolution, the two changes that would make me the most successful were, one, to go to church more often and, two, to get a gym membership. I knew that in order to fill the voids I carried with me, I needed something greater than I go guide me through the journey I was about to take on. I needed to learn to have faith and hope. To me, faith is having the ability to believe in things that I can’t always see. I needed faith to believe that there is a God because without faith, how could he exist? Without hope, there is nothing; no reason to put forth the effort needed to truly succeed. Not only did I need to learn to have faith in HIM, but I needed faith to believe that the small changes I was making to better myself today, would benefit me tomorrow. For this reason, I started attending a local church, Valley Bible Fellowship, on a regular basis for guidance.
Also as part of that resolution, I decided that getting a gym membership would be a healthy decision. I went into this not expecting any results. I didn’t want to set a weight loss goal, because I didn’t want to lose weight, hit that goal, and then stop once that goal was hit, just to gain everything back. If I was going to lose weight, I wanted it to be off my body because of the better habits I created for myself and because I maintained a healthier lifestyle. I wanted to be happier forever, not just for a few months.
Getting this gym membership, I met a girl that would change my life forever. Sam was a personal trainer that I met for my fitness consultation. After confirming that my weight was 250 pounds and that 45% of my body was pure fat, I knew I was going to need her to help to get me through this barrier.
After a year of hard work, discipline, failure, sacrifice, and determination, I lost over 80 pounds I had built a support system that was so strong that I couldn’t fail, even if I wanted to. Although my time with Sam was limited to two times per month, just seeing her at the gym kept me motivated. She was one that would never disappoint me and someone I always felt comfortable asking any questions I may have had. On top of her endless support, I used social media to my advantage. Every few months, I would post a comparison picture of my results so that all my family and friends could see the results I was attaining.
Despite all the positive support I had, I encountered plenty of skeptics who would try to shoot me down. Although the negative attention I received bothered me, I used that energy in the gym. I ran faster and longer, lifted heavier, and ate better. I had my eye on the prize and I was determined to get to my goals.
All while working on my lifestyle habits as far as fitness and nutrition; I was attending school studying fitness and nutrition in a personal training course.
By the end of 2011, through hard work, dedication, trial and error, and discipline, I lost my initial 80 pounds and finished the personal training course. By the time February, 2012 came around, it was time for me to become a certified trainer and find a job.
I enrolled to take my test and passed on the first attempt. 80 pounds down, I was definitely not the fit trainer ever seen, but with an old picture and certification in hand, I applied and interviewed for a personal training position. I was hired on the spot.
Since then, I have held my position as a personal trainer inspiring many to make positive changes in their lives. I am not only fit and healthier, but I can honestly say I am much happier.
By simply making the decision to better myself, I have found happiness, passion, faith, and a career that I love.
Of course there were times of doubt and mountains I thought I would never be able to overcome, but looking back now, all those barriers that I overcame made me that much stronger. Even if I felt like I was in the dirt crawling, I was still moving forward.

Now, at about 100 pounds lost, I am using my story to inspire hope. Although 2011 was the foundation of everything wonderful in my life today, it was probably the most stressful and most unpromising year I experienced in a long time. I didn’t know what I was doing, I didn’t know what to expect, and I wasn’t even sure if the personal training school would work out in my favor. Even filled with these doubts, I put my faith in God’s hands and hoped that I was headed in the right direction.
Looking back now, I know now that my New Year’s Resolution was the best decision I have ever made. Taking time to work on myself was one of the hardest things I had to learn to do. I’ve learned that no one will take care of me the way that I need to be taken care of. Everyone has their pain, their story, but it’s your choice to sit and mope about it, or stand up and change what you don’t like. Along the way, I realized how much I love and respect my family and friends. Recently, I have learned that I had people praying for my success. I had friends who would take time out of their schedule to run with me at my pace all to keep me motivated.
I have never taken these people in my life for granted but for what they have done for me so selflessly during one of my hardest times of my life, takes the level of respect I had for them to entire new level. Without them, I wouldn’t be anywhere near the place I am today.
I am excited to see what future plan God has lined up for me because I know it is something great. America is suffering from an obesity epidemic and I want to be part of the change, not the statistic.
We all have obstacles in our life; but it’s our job to create the destiny of those obstacles; because pain will always be inevitable, but suffering will always be optional. Put all your fears, worries, and struggles in His hands because he is all you need in order to succeed in anything in life.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Sorry for the long stretch of no new updates!

I just wanted to come on here and update my blog because it's been almost a week! I'm so sorry I haven't kept up with this regularly.

The reason I haven't been updating this blog isn't purely from being lazy. Aside from being at work almost 12 hours every day this past week, I felt like the material was kinda boring and wasn't really sure what direction I wanted to take from there. I want this to be a place where you can come to get information for your advantage all while staying motivated by my success.

I have not fallen off my current goals. The past week has actually been one of the best weeks that I've had in months! I've been putting in an hour of cardio every day along with two total body circuits that I designed for myself. (3 rounds of each circuit, at 12 reps each)

I think the focus I want to try and take from here is inspiration and motivation. I will post motivational quotes, pictures, and answer the most common question that I receive from you.

Please feel free to ask me any questions you might want answered. If you have a question, I'm sure a lot of other people have the same question.

Also, I am currently working on a biography. It is almost complete, it's just going through some editing right now. The bio will tell you more about me, my life, my set backs, why I've done what I have done, how I did what I did and so on. I hope to get that on here within the next month or so. 

Keep up the good work and remember, if you fall and scrape your knees, just put a band aid on and keep moving forward!


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 6/90

Banana vi shake
-1/2 cup milk


1/2 deep pit sandwich


Dinner- Turkey burger

Today was amazingly fun. I got to run the Volkslauf Mud Run. This run definitely challenged me in many ways more than physical.

The Volkslauf is a 5k mud run hosted by the United States Marine Corp. as a fundraiser in order to raise money for Toys For Tots.The first challenge in itself is the run. It isn't that I can't physically run 3.2 miles, but the fact that I wasn't able to distract my mind with music in my ears.. As I was running, I couldn't help but hear all the runners panting and breathing. This seemed be much louder to me than it probably really was. As I became tired trying to keep up with my uncle, it was a mental struggle to keep running past the tiredness my mind was telling me I was feeling.

That mental struggle became tougher to deal when it came to the first wall. As I was trying to get over the first wall, my weight shifted backwards and I fell 5-6 feet out of the air straight to the ground on my back and head. It hurt. My head was hurting the rest of the run (well into most of my day) and I was walking funny from the way I landed on my back. (I think it is bruised and hope that it is nothing worse.)

Although I completed the entire course all the way through, the fall on my first wall afftected me mentally the rest of the run. Alot of the obstacles dealt with height and all I could think about was falling again. I can honestly say I was scared to complete any more of them due to my first fall. Luckily, my uncle was there to insist on completing the course correctly. Had he not been there, there is a good chance I would have chickened out on the remaining obstacles.

Overall the run was fun. It was a challenge both mentally and physically. I have many battle wounds thoughout my body and I do feel sore but it was an experience I'm glad i got to do. Our finish time was an hour and eleven minutes and we finished within the first 200 of the over 1000 runners.

Doing this challenge, I realize that your mind will give up before your body will.

-When it hurts, just keep going.


Day 4/90

Breakfast-Peanut butter/Banana Vi shake
-1 tbsp peanut butter
-1 banana
-1/2 cup milk
-shake mix

-5 Ritz crackers

Lunch- Don Pericos Mexican restaurant
-2 Grilled chicken tacos
-1/4 cup pinto beans
-1/4 cup rice

-1 1/2 cups chicken soup
 (zucchini, celery, carrots, chicken, cabbage)

Overall, the day was decent. I knew I was going to go out for lunch with my cousin at a restaurant, so i made sure to eat a decent breakfast. At lunch, I decided to have the grilled chicken tacos- not fried with only a couple bites of rice and beans. I was pretty well disciplined with the chips on the table. I only had a few.

While I was at work today, I was re-racking some weights. As I was doing it, I couldn't help but complain to myself not because I was cleaning up someone else' mess but because the weights were heavy. Of course, most of my complaining was in the weight room because that's where most of all the heavy weights were laying around (45lb plates, 100lb barbells, and 50lb+ dumbbells all the equipment the big muscle heads use. My frustration was 'if they were strong enough to curl them and lift them, why is it such a big deal to simply re-rack them?' Then I realized to myself as I was carrying two 45lb plates to the rack, 'man, this is 90lbs, I used to carry this much weight around on a daily basis. I don't remember how I lived through that. Just from re-racking the weights, I was winded, struggling, and sweating just carrying them 20 feet across the room.

Sometimes its hard to see something as it is now until you look back on it later.

-Faith is believing in something you can't see.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Day 2/90

Day 2 of the challenge went well. I'm stoked to say that I got to do a photo shoot for my website and upcoming book that I am writing. I can't wait to see the proofs of the pictures. It was a lot of fun, but I couldn't help but laugh at some of the witty poses the photographer had me doing.

As I was getting ready for the photo shoot, I just remember thinking of back when I was in high school getting ready for my senior pictures. I've changed so much more than physically. I'm such a different person. I remember being self-conscience of how I looked-not feeling attractive, over weight, not knowing how to style my hair or make-up, etc.

I was getting ready that day as a total new person. I felt attractive. I knew how to style my hair, how to properly apply my make-up. Although, I felt timid and shy when taking the photos during some of the poses, I had so much more confidence. I felt worthy of a photo. I walked with a pep in my step while we were shooting down town with random people watching us from a distance.

I've learned that when you surround yourself around people who bring out the best in you and distance yourself from people who bring you down intentionally or unintentionally, you become such a better and more confident person.

It's an amazing feeling that you can only understand when you live it. It's hard letting go of people you love but sometimes we need to learn to love ourselves before we can give it away to others.

Breakfast- Chocolate banana Shake               315
-vi shake
-1/2 cup milk

Snack- Almonds                                               160

Lunch-Chicken and rice                                   252

Snack- 1/2 peanut butter sandwich                   170
-1 slice whole wheat bread
-1 tbsp peanut butter

Dinner -Taco Salad                                         350
-1/2 cup chopped chicken
-2 handfuls spinach
-1/2 cup pinto beans
-1/2 cup rice
-5 crunched tortilla chips   

As for fitness, my little brother had soccer practice. I went to the park where he was practicing at and ran 2 miles and did 30 mins worth of body weight circuits and sprints in a sand playground.

2 miles

Body squats               15 reps
High knees                one land mark to another        
Lunges                       15reps

Spider man push ups  15 reps
Sprint                        one land mark to another
1 Leg dead lifts         15 reps  

Regular sit ups           15 reps
Side sit ups               15 reps (both side)

3 sets of each circuit

Day 3/90

Day 3

Breakfast-Banana/spinach Vi Shake     280 calories
-1 banana
-2 handfuls fresh spinach
-1/2 cup milk

Snack-1/2 peanut butter sandwich          170 calories
-1 slice whole wheat bread
-1 tbsp peanut butter

-1 chicken thigh                                       236
-1/2 cup pinto beans                                

Snack -Berry Vi-shake                             210
-1/2 cup frozen berries                              
-1/2 cup milk   

-1 cup pasta w/chicken &marinara sauce 200
-1 Cup vegetable steamers                          70
                                            Total              1200

Overall the day was good. I had a long, busy day at work so I had two shakes instead of one. They are quick and easy on time for me. As far as a workout, I led a group class at work of high intensity circuit training for 30 minuets.

My body is adjusting to the cleaner eating and I can definitely tell the difference in my energy level at work. I feel more energetic and uplifted just from what I am eating! I'm lucky enough to work in a gym because of the positive environment I'm constantly surrounded in. This is a place of hope and a perfect place to start shaping your future as a YOU.

I will soon start posting workouts and/or exercises of the day!

Always remember that the hardest part is starting. Once the momentum begins to pick up, it will start to become a habit.
Stay disciplined. Stay dedicated. Stay hopeful. Have Faith. Believe.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Day 1/90

 Day 1 of my 90 day challenge went well. Aside from some personal things that I am currently going through, I ate exceptionally well - maybe even a little too low on the calories- and had a decent workout.
     My meals
Breakfast- Chocolate Banana Vi-Shake
-banana                                  100 calories
-1/2 cup chocolate soy milk      70
-Shake mix                               90

- 2 hard boiled eggs                140
-Vegetable Steamers               240
-1/2 Cup chicken                    136
-1/2 cup baked chicken          136
-1/2 cup mashed cauliflower        50
-1/4 cup pinto beans               120
- Banana                                100
Total estimated calories         1926

I have heard multiple times about mashed cauliflower. The reviews I have heard is that it has the same consistency and general taste of mashed potatoes. This is smart choice for those who love mashed potatoes but don't want all the carbohydrates that come with them.

After trying out the recipe, I definitely couldn't get the consistency of mashed potatoes. It was more of a chopped, mushy cauliflower texture. As far as taste, to me, it tasted like broccoli. It wasn't a bad taste, just not the taste of the mashed potatoes I was expecting. My mom tried them and said they tasted a combination of mashed potatoes and broccoli.

After trying that recipe, I will probably continue on a search for a better recipe or limit my potato intake.

As far as everything else, everything was general and simple. I just seasoned the chicken with some chicken seasoning that I bought at the store and threw it in the oven.

Yesterdays workout consisted of a 70 minuet "bluff run." It was moderate to intense with different levels of hills to run up and down. Nothing too difficult.

Staying committed to my nutrition and fitness is going to be tough. Although I have overcome such milestones, I am still challenged on a daily basis of staying motivated. I am determined to develop better habits by the end of these next 89 days.

Day 1 = success!

- Be Better Than The Best
P.S. If you have any experience with mashed cauliflower, please send me the recipe!
Amanda :)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

90 Day Challenge

Tomorrow 10/07/12 marks the beginning of a new challenge that I am setting for myself. I will be using this blog to track my journey while I take control of this challenge.

I am doing a 90 day challenge. By the end of this challenge I hope to be at
1. 25% body fat
2.At 150lbs
3.Size 8 pant size

I am currently at
1.31% body fat
2.At 176lbs
3.Size 10/11 pant size

I am someone who started their weight loss journey at the beginning of 2011 and have since then lost over 100lbs, 14% body fat, and 10 pant sizes. That in itself is an accomplishment, however, I still aspire to continue on my success. Although I can honestly say that I am a much more happier person in general, there is still plenty of room for growth in my life. I never want to settle less for what I can achieve.

During my initial weight loss, I recieved an education in health and fitness and have since then become a certified personal trainer. I realize that I recieve a bundle of common questions that many people struggle with while they are working on their own fitness goals.

I want to use this blog, my website, youtube channel, and facebook fan page to communicate these answers to you. Most answers are a simple concept but hard to initially incorporate into your every day habits at the beginning of your journey.

On this blog, I will communicate with you on a daily basis on the journey of attaining my current fitness goals. I will post all my meals, my workouts, pictures/videos, and how my day was in general. I want you to be a part of my journey so that I can help you in any way possible to reach your goals and to hold accountability for myself.

During this challenge, the only supplements I plan on using is a multi-vitamin and the Visalus meal replacements. I use this product because of its quality of ingredients and because it is literally a meal-on-the-go.

I'm excited to see what the end of my 90 day challenge holds for me.

-Always remember
Be fit not skinny